On October 5th in Rome at 6 p.m. the members of the International Committee ‘Uniti con Gesù Eucaristia per le Mani Santissime di Maria’ will meet some authoritiesat the Conference Hall of Santo Spirito in Sassia, to reestablish the rebirth of Eucharistic devotion, begun with Benedict XVI.
“La Fede Quotidiana” asked some information to one of the members of the group, the polish consecrated woman Agnieszka Rzemieniec.
Agnieszka Rzemieniec what’s the aim of your Conference?
“The conferencenamed “Every knee bends in the presence of the majesty and infinite love of Holy Communion “. has been carried out by the layInternational Committee” United with Jesus Eucharist through the Holy Hands of Mary “to raise awareness about the way of receiving Jesus Eucharist. During the conference the Committee will present the collection of about 10 thousand signatures, gathered through an international petition that we have done, to ask for some things concerning the Blessed Sacrament”.
Could you please explain?
“We asked faithful could still find the kneelers into churches, to pray on their knees, if they wish, and to worship our Lord Jesus Christ present as Eucharistin all tabernacles. Moreover, we ask for the possibility of communion on the tongue and on knees tobe guaranteed, what is nowadays opposed in many dioceses all over the world. A third thing we ask for, is to allow the distribution of the Most Holy Eucharist only by consecrated persons, in order to avoid the large number of abuses that occur in the world. A fourth thing we demand is the reintroduction of the solemnity of the Holiest Body and Blood of the Lord on Thursday, the same day in which Our Lord Jesus Christ instituted the sacrament of the sacred table “.
Who are the speakers?
“After a significant introductory video, in Italian andEnglish, and after the greetings of the present authorities – some Italian parliamentarians have shown their interest in our spiritual initiative – we will have greetings from His Excellency Monsignor ATHANASIUS SCHNEIDER, bishop of Astana and His Eminence RAYMOND LEO Cardinal BURKE. There will be the benediction of His Eminence ALBERT MALCOLM Cardinal RANJITH
You have chosen some well-known high prelates …
“Our profoundly spiritual initiative touches the source and summit of Christianity: Our Lord Jesus Christ is really present, with his Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in Eucharist. This initiative meets the interest of most cardinals and bishops in the world. We invited many high prelates who appreciateit so much;unfortunatelysome of them could not be present because they will be engaged elsewhere on that date. There will be present Cardinal Robert SARAH, who is the Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, my compatriot Konrad Cardinal KRAJEWSKI,Gerhard Ludwig Cardinal MÜLLER, Gerhard Ludwig Cardinal MÜLLER, Rainer Maria Cardinal Woelki, His Excellency Most Reverend Georg GÄNSWEIN, His Excellency Most Reverend Henryk Franciszek HOSER (special apostolic visitor to the parish of Medjugorje) and many others “.
What topics will be treated during the conference?
We have collected some important” considerations “and” interventions”. There will be reflections of few minutes by:
Father TADEUSZ GUZ, Dean of the Faculty of Legal Economics of the Catholic University of Lublin in Tomaszów Lubelski, he will talk about how to receive the Holy Communion (in Polish and Italian);
Your Italian journalist MARCO TOSATTI whose intervention will focus on the four aimsof the Conference;
Dr. JULIO LOREDO, from TFP Italy, who will talk about the Holy Eucharist (in Spanish).
All interventions planned by Monsignor NICOLA BUX will deal with the reasons for the no to Communion in hands and on the importance of kneelers in churches “.
This will be the topic of the intervention ofprof. dr. ETTORE GOTTI TEDESCHI the former IOR President, on communion in hands, of Fr. FEDERICO BORTOLI on the reasons for refusing the distribution of Communion by the lays, of the German essayist and researcher MICHAEL HESEMANN, on “Eucharistic Miracles today”.
A diverse group. How can you explain the presence of Hesemann, who is described as a UFO scholar on Wikipedia?
“It is an exaggeration of this online encyclopedia. In Germany, Wikipedia is run by the adversaries of the Catholic Church who want to ridicule a very committed Catholic man by mentioning a project dating back to his university studies; a project also interrupted by the death of the teacher who asked him for it. Hesemann, on the other hand, is a profound expert of Fatima and of the Marian apparitions in that city, as well as of the Vatican Archives”.